Single Sitting Treatments Root Canals

Definition: The removal of the pulp contents then cleaning and shaping of the pulp canal and the final filling and sealing of the root canal system. When decay has advanced to the point where it enters the pulp chamber of the tooth
Root Canal Treatment
required, if the dental pulp dies, the chamber and canals become a dead space where bacterial infection can harbour, and, an infection at the end of the roots occurs. A root canal cleans shapes and seals the area from tissue fluids where the bacterial infection can live.
Initially, root canals were very tedious four sitting procedures, but nowadays it can be completed within 50-60mins. Finishing the root canal a single sitting is less traumatic an experience. Only sitting root canal treatment is a new advance in dentistry which is painless and less time-consuming.
When there is an acute infection with no pus accumulation around the tooth root canal treatment can be completed in a single sitting. The most significant aid in single sitting root canals is on computerized X-ray machines facility which is provided at our clinic which enables us to work effectively.
Dr Sanket Mehta is an expert in root canal treatment and utilizes modern digitalized tools such as Root ZX and rotary therapy such as Protaper and X-smart for this treatment.